You need identify all the users having a specific privilege on a specific objectSolution
Use the below query:
root_roles as (select root_role, grantee username from
(select connect_by_root t.granted_role root_role, t.* from
dba_role_privs t connect by prior t.grantee = t.granted_role) t1,
dba_roles r ,
dba_users u
where t1.root_role = r.role and t1.grantee = u.username
union all
select 'PUBLIC', username from dba_users
union all
select username, username from dba_users)
select distinct username from
dba_tab_privs p, root_roles r
where p.grantee = root_role and
p.table_name='<tablename>' and
p.owner='<owner>' and
p.privilege like '%';
root_roles as (select root_role, grantee username from
(select connect_by_root t.granted_role root_role, t.* from
dba_role_privs t connect by prior t.grantee = t.granted_role) t1,
dba_roles r ,
dba_users u
where t1.root_role = r.role and t1.grantee = u.username
union all
select 'PUBLIC', username from dba_users
union all
select username, username from dba_users)
select distinct username from
dba_tab_privs p, root_roles r
where p.grantee = root_role and
p.table_name='<tablename>' and
p.owner='<owner>' and
p.privilege like '%';
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